Godsmack: From Nobody to Platinum

Posted by Katy Kelly on Oct 21, 2015 3:57:47 PM

What’s In A Name

Most bands don't live the platinum dream, but, after years of playing the music they loved, Godsmack finally broke through and in a near over night success went from nobody to platinum.

If you ask the band where their name comes from you’ll likely hear different answers. Bass player, Robbie Merrill, said on the Smack This! DVD that it comes from the Alice in Chains song, “God Smack” whereas Sully Erna said in a 1999 interview, "I was making fun of somebody who had a cold sore on his lip and the next day I had one myself and somebody said, ’It looks like God smacked your face for making fun.’”

Regardless of where the name originates from, the one thing Godsmack can agree on is the music. After a change in two of the four band members due to personal reasons they finally recorded their debut CD in 1998 titled "All Wound Up." They played the Boston scene, selling 50 copies a month. Finally, Rocko, the night-time DJ for Boston radio station WAAF (FM) got his hands on a copy and from there, sales sky-rocketed and their single rose to number one.

Sully Erna said, "We had been selling maybe 50 copies a month at the time WAAF picked up the album. All of a sudden we started moving over a thousand records a week. (...) I was doing all this from my bedroom. After years of grinding away, things finally started taking off".


In 1998 when Universal/Republic Records signed the band they re-mastered their first studio album "All Wound Up" and finished their self-titled album "Godsmack." It was released six weeks later.

They embarked on their first headlining tour and followed it up with a European tour supporting Black Sabbath. Roxanne Blanford from Allmusic gave the album three out of five stars, stating, "Godsmack confidently brought metal into the technological age." It was an album that even an initial pull from the shelves (due to lyrical content) and a parental advisory warning couldn’t deter from being certified 4x platinum by the RIAA in 2001.

Six Albums Later

"1000hp" is the sixth album by Godsmack. Sully said about the single, “All of a sudden, it just came together. The lyrical content covers the history of Godsmack. It goes back to 1995 when we were nothing. We were playing in the empty clubs, and no one [cared]. Once we took the stage, our whole life changed. It’s our history. It’s very alive.”

Tony says, “We’re growing as a band, and we’re still getting better beyond holding our own. We’ve been doing this a long time, but every day we still work at improving and writing songs. We want to keep it going.”

“It’s solid,” adds Robbie. “It’s got integrity. In some places, we took a left turn, but this is who we are.”

“I want fans to enjoy it like they enjoyed the first couple of records,” concludes Sully. “I think this album will make them feel more at home like the first album did. It has that vibe. There are some new sounds and interesting things for sure to show our creative side. It’s old school Godsmack with a new kind of twist to it. Hopefully, they’ll feel like this band has never let them down and we’re here to stay.”

Fans are sure to love Godsmack’s sixth album as the band has evolved and explores new musical avenues but, its soul is constant. Get your tickets here.

Spotify Playlist

Enjoy some of the Godsmack’s greatest hits, number one singles and music from their latest album, 1000hp. Then, get your tickets here to see them live.

Topics: Entertainment